30 Days
How time flies...
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Month 1
We’ve officially made it to the one month mark as of today. It really doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.
It’s also the point at which we will now qualify for more financial aid which will be extremely helpful. A ballpark figure (based on very unscientific anecdotes) is that we could be looking at ~$250k per baby. Even with insurance, the coinsurance on that is going to be diabolical.
Also, yesterday was Sam’s birthday, so we had a day celebrating that.
Looking Forward
Our nurse practitioner did give us some good news yesterday. Based on where the girls are right now, she thinks one of them may be able to come home in a week or two. That will likely be Aspen, as she has been eating better than Elizabeth. That is great news for us as we are getting very tired of having to go into the NICU and not being able to see them all the time.
Family would like that, too, so that they could see something other than a picture of them. 😃
Extra Bits
I’ve added some more “summary” like information to the Stats page. If anything significant changes, I’ll make sure to update that.