
Wooster Family Blog

For things going on in the Wooster family.


Have to start somewhere!


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Elizabeth has now gotten back up to the same quantity of food as she was before her scare. They’ll now start adding extra concentrate to the formula to get her calories up a little more. She had a good day so we got to try the binkie trainer with her last night (see above). She did a good job keeping it in her mouth and even doing some sucking, but not really enough to pull any milk from the syringe. It was a good first attempt, but we clearly still have a ways to go.

Sam is still working with Aspen to try to get her doing actual breastfeeding. She does a good job getting to it, but still has some work to do to actual get anything out.


We are still having events with both girls. Mostly desaturation; basically, they stop breathing for a bit and their O2 levels drop. We are also occasionally having bradycardia with both girls. This means that their heart rates drop way too low. They typically are in the 150 bpm+ range. They’ll drop well below 100 for a few seconds. While this is normal for their ages, we want to see them “self recover” from these, meaning that we don’t have to stimulate them. They typically do a good job of that, but do occasionally need a little help with both situations. Usually repositioning them helps or maybe rubbing them/moving them to “wake” them up. They are both very position sensitive, so we have to be careful to not let them drop their chins and keep them in an inclined position.

We’re told they’ll grow out of it, but it’s still scary when it happens while we’re there.


Got a few more of Wavy in here 😄

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